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  • Writer's pictureJamie Lynn King

Surviving "Physical Distancing"

To say that the last few months have been different is an understatement. We have been living in uncertain times. Millions of Americans are unemployed. Businesses are being forced to close their doors. People are suffering from loneliness and physical isolation. Parents have been homeschooling their children due to nationwide school closings. There has been a toilet paper shortage. Now we are having a meat shortage. In the beginning, many citizens showed their greed while in panic by hoarding all the supplies. I was born in the 1980s, and I have never witnessed anything like this in my life! I live in Missouri, and the state just started phase 1 of reopening today. Although things are opening, the way that business is being conducted will be much different. Reopening businesses while still maintaining social distancing will certainly prove challenging.

Thankfully technology has provided us with various outlets to still socialize. For me, I am used to working from home. I work remotely for Ashford University and I take part in planning various virtual activities every month. I use Zoom and Facebook to connect with the student body at Ashford University. Many of our students are also parents, and we have found some unique ways to involve the children. I have been hosting virtual playdates. We sing action songs, do crafts, play games, and more. It has provided my six-year-old with an outlet to still socialize while physically distancing. There are many virtual events happening, and I recommend checking them out.

Stressful times like this affect everyone. It's important to talk to your children about what's going on. Give them an opportunity to talk about their feelings. Even small children are stressed due to COVID-19. In times like this, I like to pause and think about what I have and what I am grateful for. Today I am feeling thankful for technology. Every day I am thankful for my family.

This Oprah Winfrey quote speaks volumes!!!

Be thankful for what you have and hold onto it. The best things in life are not things.

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