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  • Writer's pictureJamie Lynn King

Elf on the Shelf Day 8

It has been over a week of doing Elf on the Shelf, and this mamma is starting to get tired. My children all three liked this one. My teenage son helped with the staging. The elves brought an elf size Christmas tree. My six-year-old was amazed that the tree is real. The elves decorated the tree and left two super cute ornaments for our Christmas tree. I really like the festivity of this scene, and the Christmas decor added a touch of holiday cheer to my dining room.

Our Christmas Countdown starts on December 12, and the elves will be bringing Christmas gifts daily until Christmas Eve. I will be posting what I like to call "Extreme Elf on the Shelf" at that time. Those days are all planned with props to go along. So stay tuned because in a few short days "Extreme Elf on the Shelf" begins.

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