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  • Writer's pictureJamie Lynn King

New Year's Resolutions Vs. Intentions: 2020

Scrolling through Pinterest I came across something interesting...intentions instead of resolutions for New Years. This got me thinking. What is a resolution? According to "Merriam-Webster" a resolution is the the act of analyzing a complex notion into simpler ones, the act of determining, or the acct of solving (resolution, 2019). A simpler definition of the word resolution is making a firm decision to either do something or not to do something. "Merriam-Webster" defines intention as what a person intends to do and act in a certain way (intention, 2019). The words are synonyms and basically mean the same thing. Making a resolution is simple, but following through is a different story. Resolutions are made by people who want to change something in their life. People make resolutions for a multitude of reasons. The most popular resolutions revolve around self improvement and include weight loss, exercise, eating healthier, quitting smoking, etc.

This year I am being intentional about turning my resolutions into realities. I think that following through on a resolution requires accountability. You must hold yourself accountable for your own actions or you will never change. According to Albert Einstein, "the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results." I propose that the definition of stupidity is also doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. So if you want to see real measurable results you must break out of your routine and make some changes.

When being intentional about resolutions I think that it is necessary to reflect on the past, examine the now, and be forward thinking about the future. Looking back on the past year, what are your victories? Celebrate the small stuff. Even baby steps in the right direction are getting you one step closer to reaching your goals. Think about where you are now and how far you've come. Think about where you want to be. I suggest that you dream big! The sky is the limit. Keep an open mind, be optimistic, and live by determination. If you never try you will never know. Rome wasn't built in a day, and the future that you are building will take time too. When you are determined, work hard, and keep your dream in mind it may one day become a reality.

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