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  • Writer's pictureJamie Lynn King

WOW! Is Christmas Really Only 2 Days Away?!?!

I have been caught up in so much lately, that I have not had time to post. Christmas planning, Christmas shopping, Christmas Parties, school, work, kids....things to which I am sure many of you can relate. Christmas is only 2 days away, and I am excited but also a bit stressed. I am a full time student, and I work from home. Plus I am a single parent. My break officially starts today, and I have nothing to do until January 7, 2020!

I have been busy with the Elf on the Shelf for the last few days. I am working on a project entitled "12 Days of Extreme Elf on the Shelf". It is my goal to post the pics by New Years! As you all know, life happens and sometimes we must procrastinate! :) I am just blessed and grateful to have the opportunity to spend this time with my children.

Elf on the Shelf

Check out the slideshow:

This is 10 of the 12 days of Extreme Elf on the Shelf. I still have tonight and tomorrow night. Then the elves will be gone until next year! Thank goodness because this mamma needs a break!

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